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Because of a better coordination, donations made by bank transfer or PayPal are collected in Germany.
There is no expenditure in Germany!
100% of your donations are sent to Thailand every month.
2) Make a Donation directly to one of our donation accounts
Children's Shelter Foundation Germany:
Children's Shelter e.V. Germany
Bank: Sparkasse Landsberg am Lech
Account Nr. 8 371 817
BLZ: 700 520 60
IBAN: DE28 7005 2060 0008 3718 17
Children's Shelter Foundation Thailand:
Bank: Bangkok Bank Public CL
Mee Chok (Chiang Mai) Sub Branch
Account Nr. 675 - 0 - 16437 - 5
Swift code: BKKBTHBK
50000 Chiang Mai / Thailand
If you would like to support CSF regurarely or would like to support bigger projects please contact us via E-Mail or phone.