Contact Children's Shelter Foundation Thialand
Contact Children's Shelter Foundation Thialand

Contact and legal status

Contact Children's Shelter Foundation Thailand


Pee Jarm (General Manager CSF Thailand)               

Language: Thai and English

Phone: 0066 99463 9296 (Pee Jarm)








Holger Blaschek (Director CSF Thailand)

Phone: 0066 53 106 565







CSF Headquater:

284 Soi Thong Kao,  Mo.2 Sun Phi Suea A.Muang 

50300 Chiang Mai  


CSF Board:               

President: Ulrike Meister  

Vice President: Holger Blaschek

Members: Patchary Lekpimy, Kriangkrai Kunnala, Jarunrot Krassesuk



Donation from Thailand/Asia/USA/Australia:

Donation account Children's Shelter Foundation Thailand:

Children's Shelter Foundation 
Bank:   Bangkok Bank Public CL
Mee Chok (Chiang Mai) Sub Branch 
Account Nr.  675 - 0 - 16437 - 5
Swift code:    BKKBTHBK

50000 Chiang Mai / Thailand

7096 Mo.2 San Phi Suea, 50180 Chiang Mai

Legal Status:

Official registered and aproved Foundation under Thai law.

Government Administration Securiy Chiang Mai. 

Registration serial no. Chor. Mor. 235 Mor. Nor. 3 

Section 115, book 1, Civil and Commercial Code 
B.E. 2535


Contact Children's Shelter e.V. Germany


Sonja Neusser (First Board CSF Germany)

Language German and English

Phone: 0049 8191 59773

Fax:     0049 8191 915631







Lorenz-Luidl-Str. 24, 86899 Landsberg am Lech, Germany


First Board: Sonja Neusser u. Ulrike Meister


 Donation from Germany / Europ / USA / Canadia:

Donation account Children's Shelter Foundation Germany:

Children's Shelter e.V. Germany
Bank: Sparkasse Landsberg am Lech
Account Nr.  8 371 817
BLZ: 700 520 60
IBAN: DE28 7005 2060 0008 3718 17



Official registered and aproved Non profit organisation
Vereinsregister 200157, Amtsgericht Augsburg (Deutschland).

Yearly proofed by Finanzamt Kaufbeuren  

St.Nr. 125/108/50589.

Special features
Donation money is transferred 1:1 to Thailand. 

All expenditures in Germany are carried privately. 



Emails by the contact form will be directed to Sonja Neusser Germany and Holger Blaschek Thailand. 


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